August 7 , 2007
A. Call to order: 7:32pm
B. Motion approved to defer agenda to item #3 from July meeting: Pershing West School on the Douglas Campus.
C. Issue background: The President is a member of the TAC team that is reviewing proposals. TAC is a group of people selected to help go through the selection process of new schools. This was done 3 years ago when Douglas was closed and reopened as an elementary school. The Board of Education determined there was under utilized space in the building.
D. Introduction of Brenda Bell, TAC Coordinator. The TAC is composed of 15 to 18 people from the community whenever CPS proposes a new school. The team then reviews proposals from the design team. The current project is in the beginning stages. Yesterday (9/6) the proposals were due. TAC will now move forward interviewing the teams that submitted proposals.
E. Introduction of Jeanne Nowaczewski, Senior Director of Recruitment for New Schools.
1) Office encourages groups to make new schools in Chicago. Renaissance 2010 is Mayor Daley’s initiative to create new schools in neighborhoods and provide more choices for different kinds of schools.
2) In this RFP (request for proposal) Pershing West was listed as an available building for a new high school. Pershing was not the only school listed in RFP. Complete list is available on CPS website. On the front page, look for the Renaissance 2010 button.
3) There are 4 Buildings for new schools: Pershing West, Parker, Austin, Woodson south. Each had space available.
4) Anyone ho wanted to propose a school had to do so by June 4th. The proposal gets reviewed by people from different areas of expertise. Then, certain proposals were given approval to file a full proposal. Yesterday (9/6), 26 full proposals received. 2 were for Pershing West.
a. Ms. Watkins proposed a high school that would flow from current school.
b. Voise: Virtual Opportunities In a Student Environment -- high school that would offer technology in classrooms and online learning opportunities.
5) Proposals will be reviewed by TAC, then members will enter a retreat to read them completely. Community forums will then be scheduled—tentatively on Sept 25th to discuss Pershing West proposals. TAC will get to ask questions to the proposal team, then audience gets to ask questions. TAC gets comment sheets, and answers to questions to the teams. TAC will then make recommendations to Arne Duncan on October 2nd. Mr. Duncan will then make his top choice.. which will then be voted on by the CPS board by October 24.
1) Does a TAC ever say “we don’t like any of the proposals?” Yes that has happened. Quality is job one. If during the interviews the TAC doesn’t think they’re quality, then members will say so. Only a quality proposal will be considered. Both proposals include smaller high schools.
2) What about Dunbar High? Why not redo area high schools? Dunbar renovations are not in Renaissance 2010. 9th Graders do not have enough quality high school options. Arne Duncan believes Chicago needs more high school options. So if we have a building with space, we are going to provide more options and create new smaller high school for students.
3) Can you change it Pershing East to Pershing West? That is not the plan of RFP. The Duncan administration believes its civic duty is to provide schools students can succeed in.
4) Will there be physical improvements to Pershing West to accommodate a high school? Yes, we have committed to physical changes to accommodate a high school. Architects area already working on a plan.
5) Are groups that submit RFPs a private intitity? Both proposals are for performance schools. They are union schools for teachers, and report to the district. They also have more freedom with regard to curriculum, school calendar, and budget.
6) So, we as a community have no voice? We’re asking which of the two proposals are of higher quality. If you don’t think they are not good, then you have a voice. What is not up for discussion is something other than a high school.
7) Are there any other GAP community reps in the TAC other than President McGee? Yes, Al Perry.
8) Define community. CPS is interested in choices for high schools in the community. Community means near mid-south, not immediate neighborhood. TAC has discussed the boundary for community outreach is 31st to 35th, Expressway to Lake, or from 31st to 39th from Expressway to Lake.
9) What would be the population of the high school? Both proposals call for 100 to 125 9th graders. In the 4th year, there would be 400-600 students. Current enrollment of the elementary school is 275 students.
10) Once proposal is accepted, what is the timeline to opening school? Both proposals are asking to start in September of 2008. We will hear on October 24, 07 whether they can open in ‘08.
11) Will the high school have a different entrance, lockers set up, etc. Yes, CPS has protocols for set ups for one building that houses 2 schools.
12) There are 3 high schools nearby. Do you take into account a high school’s location to another high school? We look for buildings have space. We work with all CPS departments to ensure that planning is safe for students and neighborhood and transport lines are adequate for students.
13) What would be the criteria for student enrolment? It will be open to all children, not selected enrolment. Almost all Renaissance 2010 schools are open to all students.
14) If community resists the idea of a high school opening in Pershing West, what will Mr. Duncan do? Is it a done deal? Duncan is most listening CEO that I know. He likes to have a process that goes on for months. He will listen and come out to hear what community has to say. His heart is in making good new high school.
15) Our community has made contribution to students. What can we do to counteract what has been decided. I don’t know. Maybe ask all high school leaders to form a network to solve problems.
16) We are confused on term “community.” Is the school built for this community or for anyone to enroll? We would like for the school to serve immediate community first. If the school has empty seats, enrolment will be open to wider circle to take in further students.
17) Does CPS have example of 2 schools sharing building? Yes, Cregier /Best Multiplex, Chicago International, Williams Multiplex, North Lawndale College Prep/Catalyst. Ms. Bell would be happy to organize tours for the community.
18) Are all the schools in community filled to capacity? Every charter school is filled and has a waiting list. Others , I don’t know.
19) Is there anywhere else in the city where there are as many high schools in a 4 block radius? Don’t know, and will get an answer.
20) Could it be Mr. Duncan’s decision to revamp Dunbar? Mr. Duncan does care.. and find out what resources are avail. Mr. Duncan approved putting Pershing West in the Renaissance 2010 plan. Dunbar is a traditional school. Performance schools have a contract so they can run longer school day, different curriculums, and spend money differently. Principal does not decide student enrolment. Instead it is an open lottery.
21) How does the student population CPS target compare with the population for potential students and what is that relationship to the current high schools in the community. Answer TBA
22) Is a new high school set up for the new residents on that may move into the community in the future? No
23) What are the plans for Dunbar? We will get you that information. (President McGee: Mayor is on record for saying during his re-election campaign for tearing down Dunbar and rebuilding the school. Facilities for the park would also be built.
24) What is the status of Ramond School (37th and Wabash). It is former elementary school that is currently vacant. Don’t know of any current plans.
25) Is there a new high school planned for the south loop? I don’t know.
26) Request for Mr. Duncan to address a future GAP meeting to hear the feelings of the community.
F. Motion made to invite Mr. Duncan to September 11th meeting. A letter will be mailed.
G. Meeting adjourned: 8:45
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